2016 Hosta Show
Photo Gallery
Join us at our
Hosta Breakfasts are back!
10am - Saturdays - Click for details!
Jan 7th, Feb 4th
The Forestview Restaurant, Transit Rd
YOU MUST RSVP for these!!
Members Meeting
Sunday April 24 - 1:30pm
East Aurora Seniors Center
101 King St Suite A, East Aurora, NY 14052
2018 WNYHS Calendars!
Cost is $10 if you get them at the next hosta breakfast (November 4th) or at our meeting on the 12th, or by mail for $12.50.
Contact David Whittemore at dawhit48@verizon.net or 648-4357.
WNY Hosta Society Calendars for Sale
This calendar provides the following:
Garden photographs from members of the WNY Hosta Society.
Highlighted dates for WNY Hosta Society events.
Source for gardening info, ideas, and thoughts.
High quality calendar at an affordable price.
Great gift idea for friends, neighbors, and family.
Calendars are now available for purchase at Lockwood's for $12.00 each.
They may also be ordered by mail.
1 calendar - $10.00 + $2.00 postage = $12.00 (total)
2 calendars - $20.00 + $3.00 postage = $23.00 (total)
10 calendars - $100.00 + $5.00 postage = $105.00 (total)
To order by mail make check payable to WNY Hosta Society.
Send check to:
Dave Whittemore
33 Sherwood Ave.
Hamburg, NY 14075
(716) 648-4357