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2016 Hosta Show
Photo Gallery

Join us at our


Hosta Breakfasts are back!
10am - Saturdays -  Click for details!
Jan 7th, Feb 4th
The Forestview Restaurant, Transit Rd

YOU MUST RSVP for these!!

Members Meeting
Sunday  April 24 - 1:30pm

East Aurora Seniors Center

101 King St Suite A, East Aurora, NY 14052

2018 WNYHS Calendars!

Cost is $10 if you get them at the next hosta breakfast (November 4th) or at our meeting on the 12th, or by mail for $12.50. 
Contact David Whittemore at or 648-4357.

WNY Hosta Society Calendars for Sale 

This calendar provides the following:

  • Garden photographs from members of the WNY Hosta Society.

  • Highlighted dates for WNY Hosta Society events.

  • Source for gardening info, ideas, and thoughts.

  • High quality calendar at an affordable price.

  • Great gift idea for friends, neighbors, and family.

Calendars are now available for purchase at Lockwood's for $12.00 each.


They may also be ordered by mail.

  • 1 calendar - $10.00 + $2.00 postage = $12.00 (total)

  • 2 calendars - $20.00 + $3.00 postage = $23.00 (total)

  • 10 calendars - $100.00 + $5.00 postage = $105.00 (total)

To order by mail make check payable to WNY Hosta Society. 

Send check to:

Dave Whittemore

33 Sherwood Ave.

Hamburg, NY 14075
(716) 648-4357

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